Columinate is proud to welcome Patrick Shabram as a new consultant. Patrick comes to Columinate after working with location research expert Debbie Suassuna of G2G Research Group since 1998 (specifically, with G2G Research since 2017), bringing more than 30 years of experience in location research, market research, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to the Columinate network.
“I find this field both fascinating and fun. No matter the situation, low-income or high-income area, diverse community or less diverse community, I am focused on trying to come up with accurate numbers that will help a co-op planning group make informed decisions. That will always be my first objective—to be as accurate as possible.”
Aside from his work with food co-ops and independent grocers, Shabram works as a professor of geography at Front Range Community College in Fort Collins, Colorado. Much of his research has focused on spatial analysis. He also has long been interested in issues of food access for underserved communities.
When it comes to market research for startup co-ops in low-access areas, there are some unique considerations. “If someone is looking at opening a food co-op in a low-income, low-access area, there are fewer examples of stores that operate in these areas, and the availability of comparable data can be a bit more of a challenge,’ says Shabram, who does a thorough data analysis for every study—breaking down demographics by census tract. “Sometimes, if a client is looking at opening a natural foods store or hybrid store in an area that is underserved, they may want to focus on how they can differentiate themselves: if someone is driving past a Kroger, why would they be interested in stopping at the co-op instead?”
Shabram is regularly updating his numbers to reflect industry trends and variables such as food inflation. “I do work all over the country and can apply this methodology anywhere. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of work in urban centers, as well as underserved rural areas.”
One of the many reasons Patrick says he was originally interested in joining the Columinate network is because of the opportunities to work alongside subject area experts in the food co-op and independent grocers industry.
“Collaboration is important because, as I’ve learned with startup co-ops, most are coming in without a lot of experience working with grocery stores. Having people I can refer them to is key. It happens regularly where clients ask, ‘Do you happen to know anybody who can do this or that?’ Being able to have a group of folks I can go to helps me a lot, and it helps clients a lot.”
Patrick Shabram is available to work with food cooperatives and independent grocers around the country, both established and new.
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