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Startup Support

Patrick Shabram Brings Market Research Expertise to Columinate

By |2025-01-27T17:38:37-05:00January 27th, 2025|

Columinate is proud to welcome Patrick Shabram as a new consultant. Patrick comes to Columinate after working with location research expert Debbie Suassuna of G2G Research Group since 1998 (specifically, with G2G Research since 2017), bringing more than 30 years of experience in location research, market research, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to the Columinate network.

Molly Phipps Offers Grant Writing Services

By |2025-01-27T17:42:06-05:00January 23rd, 2025|

We all want to do more with our co-ops: make a bigger impact, pay better wages, support our local non-profits. Sometimes the money to make that impact can come from operational profits, but at other times co-ops can turn to grants. Columinate consultant Molly Phipps has been grant writing since graduate school and has helped co-ops and other organizations write successful grant applications.

Columinate Learn: Applying Principle 5 in the Digital Divide

By |2023-11-08T15:35:16-05:00November 8th, 2023|

Ready for digital literacy Co-ops have a lot of teaching to do. To build a cooperative ecosystem with knowledgeable and invested stakeholders aware of what it is they have become a part of, it takes a lot of orienting, sharing, demonstrating, and educating. A cooperative can fail if it does not consistently apply Co-op Principle 5: Education, Training, and Information. Lack of strong education systems within a co-op culture can slowly erode its core.

Manager on Contract: A Fit for Co-ops and for Chris Morris

By |2023-10-27T15:18:37-04:00October 27th, 2023|

Chris Morris, manager on contract with Columinate, emanates traveling energy. Decades of experience with neighborhood grocery stores and a zest for adventure guides him to co-op communities in transition. Morris currently shares his operational expertise near the coastal waves of Ocean Beach in San Diego, California, as Interim Store Manager. With this engagement, he's supporting the co-op's general manager, Sarela Bonilla, to bridge leadership gaps, navigate the high-volume holiday season, and assist with some exciting store updates they’ve been working toward. Where his road may wind next is open for discussion, keeping energetic and optimistic Morris content.

Providing Management Leadership When Help Is Needed: Matt Hartz at People’s Food Co-op Rochester

By |2023-10-26T13:49:23-04:00October 26th, 2023|

As a long-time general manager, Matt Hartz felt the support and guidance of those who believed and invested in him. Mentorship and support of other leaders is often the unseen, but critical, work of the cooperative movement. We can run grocery stores and collect retail and owner-engagement experiences. But what underpins and perpetuates purpose-based organizations such as co-ops? A commitment to the professional development of those with whom we surround ourselves. Helping other cooperative leaders grow and develop truly makes Hartz thrive, and it is his key focus in his new role at Columinate.

Providing Management Leadership When Help Is Needed: Chris Dilley at Detroit People’s Food Co-op

By |2023-12-07T12:42:53-05:00October 18th, 2023|

The Detroit People's Food Co-op is getting ready to open and has contracted with Columinate's Chris Dilley as Manager on Contract. Build-out in the co-op's new facility is nearing completion, with opening now planned for early 2024. The new Detroit Food Commons facility, a partnership between Detroit Black Food Security Network and Develop Detroit, will house the Detroit People's Food Co-op as well as a community kitchen operated by the Black Food Security Network.

Providing Management Leadership When Help Is Needed: Supporting store startups and turnarounds

By |2023-11-22T12:07:32-05:00September 25th, 2023|

Urban Greens Food Co-op in Providence, Rhode Island, which opened in 2019, had low sales and was running out of cash. In 2022 the board of directors contracted with Luke Schell as Turnaround Manager to assess needs, lead in creating a turnaround plan, and implement the plan. During just three months of on-site leadership, his work had an excellent impact.

Providing Management Leadership When Help is Needed: Supporting store startups and turnarounds

By |2023-08-15T17:40:57-04:00August 15th, 2023|

Columinate's Manager on Contract and Interim General Manager services can be a game-changer for food co-ops and community-focused independent grocery retailers. In this report and in following weeks, we will highlight Columinate consultants working as managers on contract. After an introduction, here we highlight Wynston Estis and her work at Ocean Beach People's Organic Food Market in San Diego.

Providing Management Leadership When Help is Needed: Supporting store startups and turnarounds

By |2023-08-02T19:46:29-04:00August 2nd, 2023|

Columinate's Manager on Contract and Interim General Manager services can be a game-changer for food co-ops and community-focused independent grocery retailers. In this report and in following weeks, we will highlight Columinate consultants working as managers on contract. Featured here, following our summary of these programs, is Garland McQueen at Lovettsville Cooperative Market, which is planning to open in late August 2023.

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