The Care Interview

By |February 22nd, 2021|

Carolee Colter and Mark Mulcahy previously presented a series of webinars for Canadian Health Food Association on “The Rewards of a Burnout-free Workplace.” They recommended that store owners and managers hold “Care Interviews” built on five questions, with each of their staff members. Here’s how a Care Interview might go.

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and the Employee Experience

Compensation Database: History and Future

By |January 22nd, 2021|

The Compensation Database is woefully out of date when it comes to gender and equity identifiers. Columinate is creating a new version scheduled to be introduced in April 2021. Here's what features will be added to improve the database.

Incorporating Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Into Board Policies: A CBLD Field Guide

By and |January 20th, 2021|

Many cooperatives, social justice organizations, and businesses have begun to directly confront their own role in the social systems that perpetuate racism and inequity. Boards of directors who use Policy Governance®  should feel empowered to use their policy document to clarify their expectations around the work of dismantling systems of racism and oppression.

The Anti-Racism Movement in Public Schools

By and |September 28th, 2020|

Now more than ever communities are aware that racism is an issue that needs to be addressed. In this conversation, Columinate Consultant Darin Short speaks with Columinate's own Amaha Sellasie and Amaha's fellow professor and colleague Christa Agiro.

Virtual Annual Meetings Field Guide

By |July 23rd, 2020|

In the wake of the pandemic, the customary way of doing many things has been upended.  For co-ops, the list of adaptations extends to how we engage with members, including our approach to the time-honored (and legally required) tradition of the annual meeting.