Co-op Cafe Portland 2019

By |October 16th, 2019|

We had a great day of conversation focused on the theme Expand the Vision of “We” in Portland, OR!  19 people including staff, managers and directors from 6 co-ops participated Thank you for contributing during the day – adding [...]

Welcoming Improvement

By |October 14th, 2019|

Creating a store that reflects the community it serves AND occupies is a difficult endeavor. At Durham Co-op Market they are committing to the hard work of being welcoming to every shopper, in a way that each shopper will feel welcomed.

  • LaDonna Redmond Sanders

Principles of ‘Openness’

By |October 14th, 2019|

Co-op Principle #1: Open & Voluntary Membership; in this installment filmed for the 2019 Cooperative Cafe series, LaDonna challenges us to deeply examine 'Openness' and 'Voluntary' at our own co-ops. Can we see ourselves in the Co-ops' story? Can our neighbors? Even when we struggle to compete to be seen or heard in the crowded marketplace, cooperative have a competitive advantage when it comes to being an inclusive, welcoming community gathering place.

Columinate: Who We Are

By |October 1st, 2019|

At Columinate, we are catalysts for common good. Our member-consultants share strategies, tools, and skills to help purpose-driven organizations build and empower community. From the city to the suburbs and beyond, co-ops are both the foundation and the backbone of strong communities. Our role is to illuminate solutions to guide these organizations forward.

Columinate Supports Ohio Startup Gem City Market

By |September 29th, 2019|

Consultants bring innovation, passion to the groundbreaking project (from Left) Corrine Saunders, Kenya Baker, Lela Klein, Wynston Estis and Amaha Sellassie participate in the Gem City Market ceremonial groundbreaking. Dayton, OH [...]

Know Your Where & Why: The Value of CAT Surveys

By |September 12th, 2019|

Knowing where you draw your business from is a good idea; knowing how you’re performing in your trade area is even better. A Customer Address and Transaction (CAT) survey accomplishes both, giving you a valuable snapshot to inform marketing focus. It’s a straightforward analysis worth returning to time and time again.

GM Report Support

By |August 16th, 2019|

The CBLD Policy Template GM Report Support Compilation GM Report Support By Policy [...]

Assessing Emerging Expansion Opportunities

By |August 13th, 2019|

As co-op leaders recognize that reinvestment in their business is critical to long-term sustainability, they need some tools to help them assess whether any particular reinvestment makes sense. When business expansion is on the list [...]

  • Hiring a GM Toolkit cover

Hiring a General Manager

By |July 18th, 2019|

Updated in 2017-18, this manual is the result of a collaboration between Columinate and National Co+op Grocers. It guides boards of directors of food cooperatives through the steps needed to ensure a clear and professional [...]

  • Grocery stocker with canned pumpkin

Cross-Training to Achieve Operational Efficiencies

By |July 1st, 2019|

We’ve been in the “new normal” long enough to not call it “new” anymore. Despite pressure from competition and rising minimum and livable wages, co-ops continue to work to be the employer of choice in their communities and to offer great compensation packages. We all know efficiencies are the main way we can afford to stay competitive, but other than just asking staff to do more faster, or increasing accountability, what else can co-ops do?