Make Your Produce Holiday Season a Success

By |November 15th, 2017|

Traditionally a time of community events and gathering together to celebrate the bounty of the season’s agricultural harvest, the Thanksgiving holiday is a great opportunity for food co-ops to stand out and highlight what they [...]

Measuring & Communicating the Co-op Difference

By |November 9th, 2017|

In a lot of ways our work speaks for itself.  The data supports an assertion that cooperation produces stronger happier communities, local economies, food systems and shoppers.   Bonnie Hudspeth, Neighboring Food Co-op Associations Manager of [...]

Telling the Co-op Impact Story

By |November 9th, 2017|

So much of the critical work of movement-building is getting the word out there to those who are looking for what we offer.  As the Executive Director of Neighboring Food Co-ops Association, Erbin Crowell spend [...]

Why Do Marketing and Operations Clash?

By |November 8th, 2017|

Back when I worked in distribution, the warehousers complained that marketing promised too much to the customer, while marketing grumbled that the warehouse always said no. It’s the same in retail. When conducting employee surveys [...]

Safety Training That Works

By |November 8th, 2017|

An Interview with Paul Feiner As a Loss Prevention Certified (LPC) professional, Paul Feiner works full time as Store Support Manager at Sacramento Natural Foods in Sacramento, CA.  On the side, he and his brother [...]

Pro Formas and the New Competitive Challenges

By |October 26th, 2017|

In the grocery world, we live in challenging times. Costco and Wal-Mart carry organic products. Supermarket chains tout local produce and have a house brand of organics. Home delivery has everyone buzzing; even Amazon is getting into the action. Pro forma financial statements are forward-looking projections of how your co-op will perform given a specific set of assumptions. They are useful in many ways, especially for new stores and expansions where your co-op is headed into uncharted waters.

Responding to Workplace Conflicts

By |September 28th, 2017|

Whenever people work together, conflicts will naturally arise. Here’s a framework to help leaders resolve conflicts. This article will describe three categories of conflicts and a process that can be used to resolve each. _______________________________________________________________ [...]