Accessibility is Key

By |November 11th, 2015|

The New Normal has hit Chico Natural Foods in California. General Manager Liza Tedesco believes the response from the food co-op sector must be accessibility. Liza share her perspective and the initial steps and questions [...]

Activating ‘New-Style’ Participation

By |November 11th, 2015|

Weaver Street Market Carrboro, NC Year founded:  1988 Member equity requirement:  $75 individual, $135 couple, $175 three or more Number of members:  18,000 consumer-owners, 210 employee-owners Number of staff:  250 Number of locations:  3 retail [...]

Engaging the Whole Person in Succession Planning

By |October 1st, 2015|

By Sarah Dahl 180 Sept-Oct 2015 There are two commonly seen staffing problems in co-ops that may at first seem unrelated: At Co-op A, sales had been declining for the last few years. Personnel costs, [...]

Getting Started with Expansion Planning

By |October 1st, 2015|

By Bill Gessner 180 Sept-Oct 2015 Expansion projects for food co-ops fall somewhere between a labyrinth and a maze. With continuous improvement and development of best practices, expansion projects are moving closer to the one [...]

Amplify Cooperative Impact through Participation

By |September 9th, 2015|

The democratic structure of cooperatives allows people the opportunity to have a real influence on business goals and outcomes through their investment, patronage, feedback, and aspirations.  It’s one of the most defining features of cooperation, [...]

Choose structured interviews to make better hires

By |September 8th, 2015|

Extensive research on job interviews shows that structured interviews are more accurate than unstructured ones in predicting which applicants will make good employees. By “structured,” researchers mean that the interviewer uses a consistent format with [...]