Introducing the Four Pillars

By |January 1st, 2014|

What sets co-ops apart from other companies is their ownership structure, cooperative values and democratic governance. That’s why co-op leadership that is focused specifically on those things that define cooperation is so critical. It’s the [...]

Why Growth Matters

By |November 13th, 2013|

Sarah Christensen, General Manager Green Tree Natural Grocery, Mt. Pleasant, MI   According to Green Tree Natural Grocery GM Sarah Christensen, planning for growth is not an option. You've got to 'Grow or Die'. This is [...]

Patronage Dividend: Presenting GM Recommendations

By |November 12th, 2013|

The “Patronage Dividends for Food Co-ops” Toolbox (available as a free download in the Columinate library) describes the power of patronage dividends as a tool for building strong cooperatives and outlines the steps needed to [...]

Engaging Employees in Open Book Management

By |November 7th, 2013|

By Helena O'Connor 169 Nov-Dec 2013  A few staff members crowded the back of the small room. Latecomers straggled in until most chairs were full. A huge white board with a crosshatch of lines and [...]

Great Idea: Sharing the Leadership Role

By |November 3rd, 2013|

As well as being a consultant with CDS Consulting Co-op, Art Sherwood is the board president at Bloomingfoods Market & Deli in Bloomington, IN and is heading into his third and last term as president. [...]