The Growth Roadway
By Art Sherwood 163 November-December 2012 Expansion and growth are on the minds of many cooperative board and management leaders. And this makes sense, since growing our cooperatives’ abilities to deliver on their organizational Ends [...]
Ends to Ends Strategic Process
Chapters: Overview Ends to Interpretation Interpretations to Strategic Planning Planning to Action Ends Reporting Communicating Ends Accomplishment Note: Click to view all chapters
Interview Right
The job interview is your best tool for making the right hiring decision. You can't count on references, and resumes are designed to make the candidate look good. The job interview is your best tool [...]
How responsible are you for your employees’ success?
When I was a new CEO, I misunderstood why some employees performed well with my direction while others did not. Even worse, I allowed some employees to be mediocre for too long while I gave [...]
Why (Some) New Co-ops Fail
By Stuart Reid 163 November-December 2012 The mayor spoke at the co-op’s ribbon cutting, and it seemed like the whole town turned out to celebrate. The local paper wrote excitedly about the new grocery store. [...]
Another Great Idea: Check Out Videos from International Cooperative Summit Held in Quebec
Have you ever been in a room with 2,800 cooperators from around the world? This past October, cooperators from around the world gathered for the Imagine Conference and International Cooperative Summit in Quebec. The experience [...]
50 Ways to be a Co-op
Diana Chapman, Director of Sustainability PCC Natural Markets