De-Mystifying Ends
Table of Contents (links to youtube) Chapter 1: Governance = Accountability and Empowerment Chapter 2: Understanding Ends and their Role in PG Chapter 3: How to Write Effective Compelling Ends Policy Chapter 4: Effective Ends [...]
Civic Involvement in Co-op Development
Madeline Rogero, Mayor City of Knoxville, TN Mayor Rogero tells an important story about the partnership between the Three Rivers Market Co-op and the City of Knoxville. The results of that partnership have been fruitful for [...]
Co-ops: Where Democracy, Community, and Sustainability Meet
Bill Gessner, Co-op Development Consultant CDS Consulting Co-op Minneapolis, MN Widely known throughout the food co-op community, Mr. Gessner has travelled the country helping grow co-ops and start new ones. His experience gives him [...]
Healthy Board Dissent
By Todd Wallace 161 July - August - 2012 Our co-op boards are groups elected and charged with a common purpose: fulfilling the legal and moral obligations of their co-op, on behalf of a diverse [...]
Why a Human Resources Audit?
By Carolee Colter, Helena O'Connor 161 July - August - 2012 An audit can be described as an unbiased examination and evaluation of systems and processes of an organization in order to demonstrate whether they [...]
Food co-ops: Where democracy, community & sustainability come together
There has been a resurgence in food co-ops the past several years. People have different reasons for pursuing quality, nutritious, locally sourced food. The recent unstable economy has driven some families to be more selective [...]
Wheatsville – Austin iLab
Our series on innovative co-operative organizations in Austin had to cover what is probably the largest and longest-running co-op in central Texas. The Wheatsville Food Co-op began operations in 1976 and has been one of [...]
Imagination Matters
Brett Fairbairn, Fellow in Cooperative Thought & Ideas [bio] Centre for the Study of Cooperatives at University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK, Canada "Change is the new normal", says Professor Fairbairn. And it's up to [...]
Case Study: Wheatsville’s BIG Direction
Wheatsville Food Co-op has always had big dreams to have multiple locations— going back to the days since it was founded. Now they are in a position to begin to make them come true. The [...]