Perpetuating a Strong Board

By |July 22nd, 2009|

A director should be equally as concerned with the future of the governance of their co-op as they are with the issues of the present day.  Recruitment and orientation of new directors is the role [...]

Evaluating the General Manager

By |July 15th, 2009|

By Mark Goehring, Carolee Colter 143 July - August - 2009 A board evaluating the general manager (GM) of a food co-op…now there’s a process that directors should be able to describe, defend, celebrate [...]

The Cycle of We

By |May 30th, 2009|

Some economists theorize that business activity runs in a cycle where the benefits of greater collaboration are embraced, but eventually shift toward greater individualism. When the self-interest model leaves too few with tangible benefits, the [...]

GM Evaluation

By |May 6th, 2009|

with guests John Hatton, board president, Brattleboro Food Co-op, and Sharon Murphy, GM at Whole Foods Co-op, Duluth CG -- Evaluating the GM by Colter and Goehring

Executive Sessions

By |April 14th, 2009|

An Executive Session (sometimes called a “closed session”) is a meeting, or portion of a meeting, open to only members of the board of directors and individuals invited by the board of directors. All meeting attendees are [...]

Taking Policy Governance to Heart

By |March 28th, 2009|

A great cooperative thinker, Sid Pobihushchy, wrote an article in 2002 to help us understand the 10 cooperative values, “The Cooperative Values: Their meaning and practical significance” (find it at The Columinate Library). In his [...]