• columinate compensation database

Columinate Compensation Database: What it tells us about other management positions

By |October 18th, 2022|

Since its launch in the summer of 2021, the Columinate Compensation Database has gathered a wealth of data on management compensation in food co-ops.,The database covers not only general managers, but also managers on every level, from members of senior leadership teams to department managers in multi-store co-ops. As I hope this update will make clear, the more that co-ops participate and provide data, the more useful the database becomes to everyone.

  • board governance part 2

Governance for Co-op and Nonprofit Boards Part 2

By |October 10th, 2022|

In 2014, Columinate introduced co-ops to the Four Pillars of Governance in an effort to show how the Policy Governance model fits in a broader framework of governance. As part of his work as a Visiting Scholar at the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop on Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Art Sherwood collaborated with Marilyn Scholl and others from Columinate to create this model to help organizations govern flexibly and effectively. A model is a way of framing so that the parts and processes make sense. Our Four Pillars model is not about changing systems but is a new way of making sense of governance. In the eight years since we introduced it, we have found that it helps organize board thinking about the complex task of governance. It does not supplant other theories or systems of governance, but rather provides a framework for boards to use in developing and applying those systems.

  • board governance part 1

Governance for Co-op and Nonprofit Boards Part 1

By |October 10th, 2022|

Often challenges within the board stem from a lack of agreements about governance. Cooperatives and nonprofit organizations differ in key ways from private corporations. Perhaps most importantly, operating within a defined social purpose requires skillful and conscientious governance by the board of directors—and the board’s leadership is felt throughout the entire organization. Governance is the act of steering an organization toward success. It consists of answering key questions, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing processes for setting expectations and ensuring accountability.

  • New Tax Credits

New Tax Credits and More: Notes on the Inflation Reduction Act

By |September 21st, 2022|

As part of the grocery industry, we have all felt the pain of the recent inflation seen in our economy. Like many people, I have looked for the Biden administration’s response to the newest stage of these “unprecedented times.” Well, that response, at least in part, has happened. On August 16, 2022, the president signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The law itself is over 700 pages long, and practitioners from a variety of industries have now had some time to study it. While the bill’s effect on future inflation is indeed questionable, there is no doubt that it mandates the biggest climate-related investment made by the federal government in US history.

  • Gm Development Program

GM Development: Opportunities for General Manager Growth and Learning

By |September 19th, 2022|

Two upcoming classes in the GM Development program cover interesting and relevant topics for diverse general managers, but especially those who are new to their position. The first is called “Co-op Culture, Diversity, and Engaging Stakeholders.” It explores the way cooperative culture helps a general manager bring together all of the relationships within their co-op. The course also focuses on increasing and strengthening diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within participating co-ops.

  • Co-op Cafe DEI work at Weaver Street Market

Co-op Cafe Supports DEI Work by Weaver Street Market Board

By |September 12th, 2022|

The 2022 series kicked off in May with invigorating conversations around how the cooperative principles could advance our commitment to a more equitable future. Co-op members from across the country joined these discussions and grappled with questions such as: Do we need an 8th cooperative principle aimed at equity and inclusion?

  • Marcia Sprague, ROC consultant

Taking Control: For resident-owned communities, Marcia Sprague provides community and board trainings

By |September 8th, 2022|

Columinate has a small team of organizers, trainers, and governance specialists who work specifically with resident-owned communities. The team offers "bench strength" to ROC USA®, and ROC affiliates work by providing communities with temporary team members who pitch in to do the work of community organizing, governance coaching, and co-op education and training. Meet Marcia Sprague.

  • Cooperative Board Leadership Development (CBLD) Program

Cooperative Board Leadership Development: Mid-Year Report

By |August 22nd, 2022|

The Columinate Cooperative Board Leadership Development (CBLD) program provides annual board support that includes monthly consulting, facilitated board retreats, board training, and resource development. CBLD helps boards take advantage of their collective knowledge and talents, identify their annual goals, and connect with specific resources for their challenges of the moment. The program is run and staffed by industry professionals with experience and expertise in a variety of areas, and it can help to broaden the knowledge base each co-op has to draw upon to meet their goals.

  • Columinat Job Board

Larger Ambitions for the Columinate Job Board

By |August 18th, 2022|

Changing careers can be one of the most stressful tasks we face as adults. So much of our identity is tied up in our work, and many of us want to find a job that reflects our values or that adds something back to the world. When you start looking at the multitudes of job postings that are out there, the variety of what is available can be overwhelming. The uncertainty of personal and cultural alignment makes knowing where to look for job postings a challenge. Columinate hopes to change that.

Interim General Manager Spotlight: Introducing Brandon Kane

By |August 18th, 2022|

New Columinate consultant Brandon Kane has areas of expertise that include business development and operational and financial improvement. He offers interim general manager (IGM) services and can help assess retail performance, including developing strategic plans for rapid implementation. Kane answered some questions about what brought him to Columinate and his areas of focus.