When depression becomes a management issue

By |April 24th, 2008|

David Jones* first suspected something was wrong when Christy Wright missed three days of work and didn't call the store. "It wasn't characteristic of her," Jones says. He'd promoted Wright to grocery manager after three [...]

Additional Stores: Expanding “The Co-op”

By |January 4th, 2008|

By Bill Gessner 134 Jan - Feb - 2008 Food co-ops expanding from one to two stores must navigate a challenging and perilous course. This article will explore those challenges and obstacles and suggest a [...]

Case Study: Wheatsville — Where It All Started for Walden

By |November 30th, 2007|

Wheatsville Food Co-op Austin, Texas Founded: 1976 Number of members: 9,000 Equity investment:$55 per household Number of staff: 80 Retail square feet:5,100 One of Walden Swanson’s first co-op endeavors was to manage the Wheatsville Food [...]