Cooperation: It’s all Spirals & Rainbows

By |April 4th, 2014|

E. Kim Coontz, Executive Director California Center for Cooperative Development Davis, CA Kim shares an integrative view of cooperation as she see in her work the overlapping of co-ops in many sectors organizing around the [...]

Theories of Participation

By |April 3rd, 2014|

Dan Arnett, General Manager Central Co-op, Seattle, WA   Dan gets brainy about participation. Watch Dan break down participation into 3 components and explain some theory behind effectively engaging stakeholders in your co-op and its direction.

Great Idea: Hire a Professional Facilitator

By |April 2nd, 2014|

Realistically the board president can’t do everything. No matter how strong someone is at the role, having a hired facilitator may give board chairs the opportunity to lead with their strengths and address different governance [...]

Marilyn’s Pyramid of Participation

By |March 31st, 2014|

Marilyn Scholl, Manager CDS Consulting Co-op   Putney, VT   We can apply some very basic psychological frameworks to our work in growing Participation to help us really understand how our members interact with their [...]

Co-ops as Public Service Providers

By |March 31st, 2014|

John Sheller, Trustee PCC Natural Markets   Seattle, WA   John shares a unique perspective he brings to his board by way of his professional work as a manager of public libraries in the Seattle [...]

Bad Apples in your Workplace?

By |March 4th, 2014|

"One bad apple spoils the barrel." Intuitively we know this maxim is true. Research at the University of Washington Business School affirms it. Will Felps, Terence Mitchell and Eliza Byington defined three types of bad [...]

Featured Video: The Impact of Growth

By |March 2nd, 2014|

Chris Dilley, General Manager, Peoples Food Co-op, Kalamazoo, Mich. You won’t want to miss this video of Chris Dilley, general manager of Peoples Food Co-op in Kalamazoo, Mich. Dilley speaks very eloquently about the impact [...]