Meeting Guidelines for Guests
Board meetings are at the heart of board work and well-run, productive meetings are an important part of the foundation for any good board. Meetings are typically open to owners, and sometimes others, to attend. [...]
Bill Gessner Enters the Cooperative Hall of Fame
Bill Gessner likes working with people, and most of the time, you’ll find him wherever groups are creating plans for the future. Throughout his career, Bill has worked with hundreds of food co-ops and many [...]
Is the Economy an Angry God?
Tom Webb, Manager Masters of Cooperatives and Credit Unions at St. Mary's University Halifax, NS, Canada Professor Webb has unique perspectives which he brings to the topic of the Cooperative Difference [chapter 1]. He [...]
Co-ops Put Democracy into Action
Michelle Schry, General Manager People's Food Co-op, LaCrosse, WI
Be the Best You Can Be—Quicker
By Nina Johnson 160 May - June - 2012 You know the feeling: you walk into your first meeting, you don’t know anyone, you’re not sure what to say or do, and everyone but you [...]
The Co-operative Decade: What Will YOU Do?
Dame Pauline Green, President International Cooperative Alliance, United Kingdom Dame Green takes us through the key components of the Cooperative Decade, as laid out in the ICA's Blueprint For a Cooperative Decade and challenges cooperators [...]
Co-ops Grow Communities
Pam Mehnert, Board President National Cooperative Grocers Association
Seeing the Cooperative Landscape, Growing the Cooperative Economy
Erbin Crowell, Executive Director Neighboring Food Co-op Association Erbin describes a shift in perspective from "My Co-op" to "Our Co-ops," and helps us see the cooperative landscape and the cooperative economy. He shows the [...]
Cooperatives are Good for Cities
Russ Wille, Community Development Director City of St. Peter, MN Another successful tale of cities and co-ops cooperating to everyone's benefit. Mr. Wille takes us through the types of aid that were made available [...]
Communicating the Cooperative Difference
Maurice Smith, CEO [bio] Local Government Federal Credit Union