What Startups can Teach us About Participation
Suzi Carter, Startup Co-op Consultant Food Co-op Initiative, Harrisonburg, VA Suzi shares the lessons that she has learned and some fresh perspectives on how startups (and established) co-ops can push their missions forward through active participation.
Bringing Open Book Management to Life at Just Food Co-op
By Melanie Reid 169 Nov-Dec 2013 Justice and Just Food Co-op in Northfield, Minn., opened its doors in 2004. Once the co-op had successfully navigated the initial challenges that every startup faces and began to experience stable finances and sales growth, management felt it was time to engage the staff in the continued success of the business. A training session during a National Cooperative [...]
Featured Video: Bonnie Hudspeth—Engagement from the Grassroots
In this 13-minute video Bonnie Hudspeth shares some key strategies in launching the community participation efforts at the startup Monadnock Food Co-op and how those ideas relate to all our co-ops. Hudspeth, a startup champion from the Monadnock Food Co-op in Keene, N.H., and a staff member at the Neighboring Food Co-op Association thinks long established co-ops and startups both need to continue to [...]
Engagement From the Grassroots
Bonnie Hudspeth, Outreach Coordinator Neighboring Food Co-op Association, New England Region Following the successful opening of Monadnock Food Co-op in Keene, NH, Ms. Hudspeth share tools and strategies that were effective and instrumental in the success of Southern New Hampshire's newest food co-op startup effort..
RVM: A Story of Community + Success
Rochelle Prunty, General Manager River Valley Market, Northampton, MA Hear about the River Valley Market's 5-year young journey from startup to profitability, along with all the wonderful benefits the enterprise now brings to it's community, local farms, and its membership.