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Inclusion Inspiration Labs for Food Co-ops

Inclusion Inspiration Labs for Food Co-ops2025-03-08T11:07:36-05:00
Everyone is telling you that your co-op needs to be more inclusive. You’ve learned A LOT about diversity, but are you still struggling to create that culture of “everyone welcome”? Have the experts or even the critics instilled in you the confidence or the know-how for taking the next step on your inclusion and belonging journey?  What if you could learn more about creating a culture of inclusion and belonging from both DEI practitioners AND your peers in the food co-op landscape?


The Inclusion Inspiration Lab for Food Co-op Boards & GM's

Inclusion Inspiration Lab for Food Co-op Boards & GM's

Inclusion Inspiration Lab for Food Co-op Boards & GM’s

Many have indicated that while they have learned a lot about DEIB, they continue to struggle with inclusion, AND, that they long for the opportunity to interact with and learn from their peers.

This Inclusion Inspiration Lab will offer an energizing and stimulating environment for learning about specific and relevant topics. As well, it will provide a space for board of directors and GM’s to actively engage with each other and DEI practitioners in regard to the practical application of inclusive practices. Together we will explore the issues and share our learnings through an exchange of ideas, listening and focused discussion.

The Inclusion Inspiration Lab will begin on April 23, 2025 and continue through August 2025. We will meet a total of 5 times from 4:00-6:00 pm EST on the 4th Wednesday of the months of April, May, June, August and September.

(Please note this Inspiration Lab is best suited for boards that have already done some of the foundational work necessary for inclusive practices to be sustained. Such practices include DEIB training for boards, identifying/naming your purposes regarding inclusion, and making a full and documented commitment to each other and the co-op to sustain this work. If you have not already engaged in this foundational work, contact us today to learn more about what this entails.)

Perhaps the greatest feature of this Inclusion Inspiration Lab is that YOU will help determine the agenda. That’s right, while we have ideas and topics that we may decide to cover, you will ultimately decide what we cover by telling us what is most important from your perspective for you to learn on your inclusion journey. We will support you by helping to curate a slate of presenters, resources, and practical examples, and by facilitating a highly interactive chat among friends and colleagues!

Key take-aways:

  • Networking and building lasting relationships around inclusion in the food co-op landscape – separating the overhyped propositions from legitimate providers.

  • Overcoming inaction and/or building on your existing inclusion efforts – You will feel empowered as leaders by being able to brainstorm ideas, share successes and challenges, learn the amount of scope necessary for shifting your culture to one of inclusion, and share information and knowledge about the resources and information available to support you on your inclusion journey.

  • Learning the specifics of what other food co-op boards are doing to create an inclusive space

  • Gaining knowledge and information from DEIB practitioners
  • Additional take-aways yet to be determined by you…the participants!
The fee for this thoughtful, highly interactive and very practical Inclusion Inspiration Lab is $399 per person.

If two persons from the same organization register the fee is $349/person and if three or more persons register the fee is $299/person.

Register today to ensure your spot in the Inspiration Lab!


Is this Inspiration Lab really a 6 session event?2025-03-06T14:46:07-05:00

Yes. The scope of inclusion is enormous and in order to provide you a solid basis for you to begin or continue on your inclusion journey we believe 6 sessions over the course of 9 months are necessary.

Can I attend and pay for only one session?2025-03-06T14:46:43-05:00

No. The breadth of inclusion is extensive and we intend to provide value by covering the breadth of topics necessary for helping you to move to action.

Is the schedule for meetings firm or will there be flexibility in setting the schedule?2025-03-06T14:47:25-05:00

We intend to meet at the same time of day and to meet on the fourth Wednesday of the months of January, March, April, June, August and September.

How many people will participate in this Inspiration Lab?2025-03-06T14:47:48-05:00

We are limiting participation to 25 people as this will allow everyone to fully participate, deepen your learning, and stay focused on the topics/questions/concerns that are most important to you.

Is there a discount for multiple registrations from the same organization?2025-03-06T14:48:24-05:00

Yes, if there 2 registrants from the same organization the per person rate will drop to $349. If there are 3 or more registrants from the same organization the rate will drop to $299 per person.

Will the sessions be recorded so that you can view later if you are not able to attend?2025-03-06T14:49:10-05:00

The main presentation, Q&A, & whole group portions of each session will be recorded. A primary feature and value of this Inspiration Lab is that of small group peer discussion around the topic presented and your experiences, concerns, and questions. The small group portions of the sessions will not be recorded.

Everyone is telling you that your co-op needs to be more inclusive. You’ve learned A LOT about diversity, but are you still struggling to create that culture of “everyone welcome”? Have the experts or even the critics instilled in you the confidence or the know-how for taking the next step on your inclusion and belonging journey?  What if you could learn more about creating a culture of inclusion and belonging from both DEI practitioners AND your peers in the food co-op landscape?


The Inclusion Inspiration Lab for Food Co-op Operations

Inclusion Inspiration Lab

Inclusion Inspiration Lab for Food Co-op Operations

Many have indicated that while they have learned a lot about DEI, they continue to struggle with inclusion, AND, that they long for the opportunity to interact with and learn from their peers.

This Inclusion Inspiration Lab will offer an energizing and stimulating environment for learning about specific and relevant topics. As well, it will provide a space for GM’s, assistant managers and human resource leaders to actively engage with each other and DEI practitioners in regards to the practical application of inclusion in the food co-op space. Together we will explore the issues and share our learnings through an exchange of ideas, listening and focused discussion.
The Inclusion Inspiration Lab will begin on January 29, 2025 and continue through September 2025. We will meet a total of 6 times throughout the year on the 4th Wednesday of the months of  March, April, June, August and September.
Perhaps the greatest feature of this Inclusion Inspiration Lab is that YOU will help determine the agenda. That’s right, while we have ideas and topics that we may decide to cover such as physical space, employee relations, marketing, and product selection, you will ultimately decide what we cover by telling us what is most important from your perspective for you to learn on your inclusion journey. We will support you by helping to curate a slate of presenters, resources, and practical examples, and by facilitating a highly interactive chat among friends and colleagues!

Key take-aways:

  • Networking and building lasting relationships around inclusion in the food co-op landscape.

  • Overcoming inaction and/or building on your existing inclusion efforts – You will feel empowered as leaders by being able to brainstorm ideas, share successes and challenges, learn the amount of scope necessary for shifting your culture to one of inclusion, and share information and knowledge about the resources and information available to support you on your inclusion journey.

  • Learning the specifics of what other food co-ops are doing to create an inclusive space
  • Gaining knowledge and information from DEI practitioners
  • Additional take-aways yet to be determined by you…the participants!
There’s still time to join us!
Class began on January 29th, however, registration remains open until March 21st.
The fee for this thoughtful, highly interactive and very practical Inclusion Inspiration Lab is $399 per person.

If two persons from the same organization register the fee is $349/person and if three or more persons register the fee is $299/person.

Register today to ensure your spot in the Inspiration Lab!


Is this Inspiration Lab really a 6 session event?2025-03-06T14:46:07-05:00

Yes. The scope of inclusion is enormous and in order to provide you a solid basis for you to begin or continue on your inclusion journey we believe 6 sessions over the course of 9 months are necessary.

Can I attend and pay for only one session?2025-03-06T14:46:43-05:00

No. The breadth of inclusion is extensive and we intend to provide value by covering the breadth of topics necessary for helping you to move to action.

Is the schedule for meetings firm or will there be flexibility in setting the schedule?2025-03-06T14:47:25-05:00

We intend to meet at the same time of day and to meet on the fourth Wednesday of the months of January, March, April, June, August and September.

How many people will participate in this Inspiration Lab?2025-03-06T14:47:48-05:00

We are limiting participation to 25 people as this will allow everyone to fully participate, deepen your learning, and stay focused on the topics/questions/concerns that are most important to you.

Is there a discount for multiple registrations from the same organization?2025-03-06T14:48:24-05:00

Yes, if there 2 registrants from the same organization the per person rate will drop to $349. If there are 3 or more registrants from the same organization the rate will drop to $299 per person.

Will the sessions be recorded so that you can view later if you are not able to attend?2025-03-06T14:49:10-05:00

The main presentation, Q&A, & whole group portions of each session will be recorded. A primary feature and value of this Inspiration Lab is that of small group peer discussion around the topic presented and your experiences, concerns, and questions. The small group portions of the sessions will not be recorded.

To learn more contact Darin Short

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