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CBLD Policy Template

CBLD Policy Template

  |  November 10, 2021

Many food co-op boards have found the CBLD Policy Template to be an invaluable resource. Some use the whole template as a beginning place for their own first set of policies, some refer to individual policies within the template as they work to revise an existing policy, and some look to the template as a guide to whether or not their board is following “best practice.” The CBLD team pays close attention to the insights and questions that come from our template’s users, and this updated version incorporates feedback we’ve heard since our last update.

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Please refer to the following companion resources:

Policy Register Template Users’ Guide

Policy Governance Implementation

Looking for a template for your startup co-op?  Take a look at our CBLD Policy Template for Startups.

As with all of the resources in our Library, your CBLD consultant will gladly offer guidance and support with using the template effectively.


Resource Downloads

CBLD Policy Template 2021-11
Title: CBLD Policy Template 2021-11
Filename: cbld-policy-template-2021-11-2.docx
Size:     |     Clicks: 2391

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