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Wheatsville – Austin iLab

Wheatsville – Austin iLab

  |  June 15, 2012

Our series on innovative co-operative organizations in Austin had to cover what is probably the largest and longest-running co-op in central Texas. The Wheatsville Food Co-op began operations in 1976 and has been one of the outstanding features of Austin’s food community ever since.

We met with Rose Marie Klee, President of the Board of Directors, to learn more about the history of Wheatsville and the future of this vibrant community. Listen in to learn about some of the benefits of the co-op form of business!




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Austin iLab - Wheatsville Rose Marie Klee
Title: Austin iLab - Wheatsville Rose Marie Klee
Filename: austin-ilab-wheatsville-rose-marie-klee.mp3
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About the Author

Rose Marie Klee

Leadership Development & Governance Coach

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