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Why Do Female Co-op GMs Make So Much Less Than Men? Webinar

Why Do Female Co-op GMs Make So Much Less Than Men? Webinar

  |  January 26, 2021

Yes, it’s true.

HR specialist Carolee Colter’s recent study of trends in the national Co-op GM Compensation Database reveals a disturbing trend of gender disparity. At every size of co-op from the smallest to the largest, female GMs earn $10,000 to $25,000 per year less than their male peers in similarly sized co-ops. To understand the causes, Carolee followed up her data analysis with interviews of 30 female co-op GMs. Come hear Carolee break it all down and offer strategies for greater equity in GM compensation packages and practices.




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Why do female co-op GMs make so much less than men SLIDES
Title: Why do female co-op GMs make so much less than men SLIDES
Filename: why-do-female-co-op-gms-make-so-much-less-than-men-slides.pdf
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About the Author

Carolee Colter

Human Resources for Boards &...

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