Amplifying Co-Op Values and Meeting Customers’ Needs with Cooperative Wines
Baked into the being of every co-op are the Seven Cooperative Principles. These are ideals and actionables. Democracy, community, learning, and economic justice form our decisions as cooperators. Independence too is central to what roots these enterprises, yet shared interest in building an economy beneficial to all is central to measuring success. Your wine department is a place where you can honor this principle.
The Need for Intercultural Dialogue Facilitation
As the country rises in protest around the issue of police brutality and violence against black people in America, the need to have constructive conversations and effective dialogues with those who have differing viewpoints has never been stronger.
Virtual CBL 101 Resource Guide
Download the CBL 101 Reader History, Principles, and Values “Cooperative Principles Updated,” by Ann Hoyt, available on p. 14 in the Reader. “Rochdale Pioneers and the Cooperative [...]
Keeping it Fresh
If you are like most Americans, your shopping patterns - as well as your customers’ habits - have changed drastically in the past several weeks. More people are buying fresh produce to stay healthy, and for good reason: a diet that includes lots of fresh organic produce is a great way to keep your immune systems strong in these uncertain times.
Articulating your Co-op’s Value during a Pandemic — and Beyond
So much is changing so quickly right now, and our co-ops are uniquely positioned to serve our owners and community today, and be practical alternatives to 'business -as-usual' in the future. We don't have a crystal ball to see that future, but we can discuss together how our co-ops can have a larger role and how we can talk about our co-ops as important parts of a better society.
Managing Co-op Financials During and After a Pandemic
How can co-op operations leaders begin to be innovative about what it will take to manage finances wisely during and after the COVID-19 pandemic – whatever “after” will look like? No one can accurately predict [...]
Financial Planning During a Pandemic
Financial health is the backbone of a successful co-op. Like every other part, it’s twisting and turning during the current pandemic. “Things are changing really fast,” says feasibility and project development consultant Don Moffitt. “I’m not sure that anybody knows exactly what they need to be doing right now.”
Supporting Your GM During a Pandemic
How can a Board and individual directors support their GM during a pandemic (or other crises)? Most of what you will find here will be generally useful even in “normal” times. During times of great [...]
Join Us For a Board Leadership Webinar in May and Beyond
Articulating your co-op's value, supporting GM's, and hosting effective virtual meetings in the time of COVID-19 Good governance of your community co-op has never mattered more. During the shutdown, Columinate is offering a number [...]
Tips for Effective Virtual Meetings
Boards of Directors may find that they need to conduct a board meeting by phone or using some variation of video conferencing technology. As you consider how to make these virtual meetings as effective and [...]